Reduce Your Cost With a Fall Asphalt Maintenance Plan, HoustonAn effective maintenance plan is the key to a healthy, long-lasting, attractive asphalt pavement. Although an effective asphalt maintenance plan will encompass every season, there are some procedures that you want to make sure you have your contractor perform every autumn before cooler weather makes the tasks impossible or more difficult.

What Should Be the First Procedure on My Fall Asphalt Maintenance Plan?

The first step is to get a good look at the current condition of your pavement. Have your pavement swept to remove all detritus, including litter, dead leaves, dirt, twigs, and gravel. Now that the surface of your pavement has been exposed, you or your asphalt contractor should conduct a thorough visual inspection to identify cracks, drainage issues, potholes, and other signs of pavement distress or damage. This inspection should also include an evaluation of your parking lot striping, signage, and pavement markings.

What Procedure Should Follow Immediately After an Asphalt Contractor Inspects My Pavement?

Every pavement has unique features, so you should always rely on the advice of a reputable asphalt paving company. That said, regardless of the season, virtually every contractor will advise you to prioritize your asphalt repairs. Open breaks allow water to leak beneath your pavement, be drawn down by gravity, and erode the base layers. Although temperatures drop below freezing on only a handful of days in the Houston area during an average winter, single-digit lows have been recorded several times over the city’s history. Should the temperature fall sufficiently, the water trapped beneath the pavement can freeze and inflict extensive damage. Even if the area escapes freezing weather, there will be ample rain throughout the winter to introduce enough water to seriously damage the pavement’s base. Once the base suffers sufficient damage, you could be forced to call a paving company to rebuild your pavement instead of a maintenance contractor to make cost-effective asphalt repairs.

What Asphalt Repair Procedures Should I Schedule as Part of My Fall Maintenance Plan?

You should have cracks and potholes repaired, and you should also have any areas of alligator cracking addressed. If drainage issues are present, you should make sure that they are corrected before the cold weather arrives. The nature of the issue will determine the proper repair method. For example, milling can eliminate some types of minor surface depressions, but damaged gutters may require a concrete repair.

What Other Procedures Should I Include in My Fall Asphalt Maintenance Program?

Asphalt sealcoating is an economical procedure that is highly effective at preventing damage. You should call your Houston sealcoating contractor to sealcoat your pavement in the fall if the color of your asphalt has faded, you see cracks in your sealcoating, it has been more than two years since your last sealcoating application, or there are bare areas where the sealant has worn away. Plan to have your maintenance contractor reapply your parking lot striping after sealcoating. If you do not need a fresh application of sealcoating, you might still want to refresh your pavement markings and striping, repair or replace signage, or update your layout to make navigation easier and safer.

Where Can I Find a Reputable Houston Paving Company to Repair and Maintain My Asphalt Pavement?

When you need a reputable paving contractor with the experience, equipment, and skills needed for pavement maintenance, contact Marathon Solutions Group. We offer all the pavement-related services you may need, including asphalt sealcoating, asphalt resurfacing, asphalt repairs, concrete repairs, parking lot striping, concrete installation, thermoplastic markings, marking and line removal, bollard installation, parking lot signage, asphalt milling, parking lot maintenance programs, and asphalt paving. We are known for delivering work of the highest quality and exemplary customer service at rates that are highly competitive. Request a free quote by submitting our form online, emailing, or calling 800-879-1147.